Are the Odds Good?

People are playing a twisted game for their lives.

Content Warning

This game has people playing a twisted game for their lives.

It contains guns, blood, corruption and self-harm.

It talks about ways a person could die.

Controls - Mouse

Make choices with the left mouse button.

How to Play

  1. Confirm the content warning at the game start if you are fine with the warning listed
  2. Select the number of players
  3. Select the number of computers
  4. You can set it to be all computer or human
  5. The first section you answer what is the least likely to kill a person each year
  6. Getting it wrong adds a bullet to your gun for the second section
  7. After five rounds, you move onto the second section
  8. In the second section, each player remaining spins their gun and shoots
  9. If the are still alive the round continues
  10. The game will continue until at least one player or no players are left alive at the end of a round.


Created for Dogpit Jams, which had the theme: The Odds Are Good.


Best Use of Theme, 3rd Place - Community Choice


Game Developer, Patchwork Library




Sound Effects

GDC Audio Packs

Public Domain Art


HUMP Library

Matthias Richter


This was created using version 11.4 of Löve.

It will run on Windows, Mac and Linux.


Run the exe file found in the Windows folder.

Mac or Linux

Download and install the above version of Löve from Github.

Run the love file found in the folder though the command line command:

Version 1, released Mar 18, 2023.