Godot Weird Problem:Viewport Texture Error with Model

Posted by SysL, on January 23, 2025. [Link]

In Godot, if you set a ViewPort Texture directly on a Material Albedo you will receive a warning when running your game from the editor. This error appears to be harmless in game but it is annoying.

Blog Image

To work around it, you can set it in code:

  1. Grab a reference to the mesh
  2. Grab a reference to the viewport/subviewport
  3. In the _ready() callback, set the texture.

@onready var mesh_instance_3d: MeshInstance3D = $MeshInstance3D
@onready var sub_viewport: SubViewport = $SubViewport

func _ready() -> void:
mesh_instance_3d.get_surface_override_material(0).albedo_texture = sub_viewport.get_texture()

This is not likely to be fixed anytime soon, it's been open since 2022...

Information from MamaDespik (Reddit, April 29, 2024)