Godot Tip 「Tile Collision With Tilemap and a Physics Body」

Posted by SysL, on January 24, 2025. [Link]

This is how you can detect what tiles you are colliding with when using a Physics Body.

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extends Node2D

@export var area: Area2D
@export var map: TileMap

func _ready():

func area_entered(_body_rid: RID, _body: Node2D, _body_shape_index: int, _local_shape_index: int):

Information from BipBop (Godot Engine Forms, December 13 , 2023)

Godot Weird Problem:Viewport Texture Error with Model

Posted by SysL, on January 23, 2025. [Link]

In Godot, if you set a ViewPort Texture directly on a Material Albedo you will receive a warning when running your game from the editor. This error appears to be harmless in game but it is annoying.

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To work around it, you can set it in code:

  1. Grab a reference to the mesh
  2. Grab a reference to the viewport/subviewport
  3. In the _ready() callback, set the texture.

@onready var mesh_instance_3d: MeshInstance3D = $MeshInstance3D
@onready var sub_viewport: SubViewport = $SubViewport

func _ready() -> void:
mesh_instance_3d.get_surface_override_material(0).albedo_texture = sub_viewport.get_texture()

This is not likely to be fixed anytime soon, it's been open since 2022...

Information from MamaDespik (Reddit, April 29, 2024)

Godot Tip 「Game-Isometric Camera」

Posted by SysL, on January 23, 2025. [Link]

Using Node: Camera3D

  1. Projection: Orthogonal
  2. Rotation: -30, 45, 0 (XYZ)
  3. Size: 8M-10M (Based on Pixel Size)
  4. Far: 200M (Fixes issues with Orthogonal Shadows) [Calinou, Godot Issue 58332, Feb 19, 2022]

Quick Code Note for Camera (You may have to rotate input):

var direction := (Vector3(input_dir.x, 0, input_dir.y)).rotated(Vector3.UP, main_camera.rotation.y).normalized()

LuaJIT Quick Tip 「Table Clear」

Posted by SysL, on January 22, 2025. [Link]

Ever wanted to empty a table without going though a loop or creating a new table and leaving it to the garbage collector?

Just table.clear(that_table)!

If you're writing a library and you're being nice to non-LuaJIT users, then you can just take a bit of extra time to check if it exists.

if table.clear then
-- deal with it another way

Love, Transparency and OBS

Posted by SysL, on January 21, 2025. [Link]

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First of all, thank you @xkeeper for this, who found this worked even after being told "It can't be done". The code is below:

function love.draw()
-- This is all you need to do in your Love2D Code, set the background to transparent.
-- Note, this will still appear as black in the Love2D Game Window.
-- Draw things after here!

Setting up the OBS Capture

  1. Game Capture
  2. Mode: Capture Window
  3. Allow Transparency: True/Checked

That's It?

That's it. As long as you don't change the background, anything drawn in the love2D window will be drawn as if on top of a transparent background. Great for fun effects without having to use a chroma key.